May 14, 2010

The Pokewalker

The new versions of Pokemon for the DS and DSi, "Heart Gold" and "Soul Silver", come with an interesting device: the Pokewalker. This is basically a pedometer with some special features. The idea is that when you are done playing Pokemon on your DS, you can keep the experience going by carrying the Pokewalker with you as you walk around. The pedometer feature will give you points, or "watts" the more you walk. In addition, you can have little battles, hunt for little items, and play a kind of slot machine game. The Pokewalker communicates with the DS cartridge via infrared communication, so you can upload your "watts" back to the cartridge, and also download different Pokemon into the pokewalker. In short, do you want to play Pokemon even when you aren't playing Pokemon? Like say, when you are walking to school? Or playing another game, like soccer or basketball? Here in the Gamepocalypse, you can!


  1. Cool, I'm putting my Pokewalker on my dog's collar.

  2. @longbow ... Dog collar is one way... here's another:

  3. This has actually got some of my friends motivated to walk in chicago over taking the train a couple of stops. We all picked the game up when it was released and at the end of the day a conversation will pop up and we will compare the number of watts we earned when walking

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Haha, funny comic. I <3 my pokewalker ^-^.

  6. I also found it to be quite a blast. And something else too: It is quite a good counter to have proprietary hardware, if you fear your game is stolen (ROM downloads)...
