Jul 25, 2010

MoLo Rewards

How does MoLo Rewards work? Attach an RFID tag to the back of your mobile phone, and poof! You can get rewards, coupons, deals, and participate in a treasure hunt! Rack up MoLo points, and cash them in with the loyalty catalog... Like, say, a 55 inch HDTV, for only 3,900,000 MoLo points! Hmm... let's see... a $10 Amazon gift card is 10,000 points... so each MoLo point is about a mil. Anyway, there are lots of companies trying to turn shopping into games -- but this RFID angle is certainly a new one! It certainly gets high marks for needing low effort for the consumer -- just tap your phone on the counter when you buy something. The Gamepocalypse just got one day closer!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the post Jesse. I wanted to drop a note regarding point values. Point values are variable, meaning we will be adjusting them up and down. But the value of each point is relative to the number of points we issue for prizes through use of the app. Some treasure hunts have low point value while some have and will have huge point values. When the iphone version hits the itune store the value of each point will also become more clear as some of our big hunts will kick off at that time.

    Robert Sprogis
    CEO - MoLo Rewards
