Jul 12, 2010


S2H (Switch To Health) is a simple concept -- buy a (funky rubber) watch, and each time you do an hour of activity, it spits out a code. Type the code online, and earn actual prizes. I think this, like many reward systems, is challenged by the problem of acclimation. But try it out, and see what you think!


  1. So do you think an hour is too long to earn a reward? Games like Mafia Wars would certainly suggest that every 30 seconds to 1 minute should be rewarded. Maybe with a bonus for stringing those minutes together.

  2. Yeah, I totally agree with Anonymous. I also think feedback should be stuck as closely to the rewarded action, as is possible. Right to the point where you don't have to enter codes anywhere. (Of course the system should be secured against cheating, but I'm talking general ix concept right now).

    What do you think?

  3. It's a fun idea, but honestly, how many people won't just give their dashboard bobblehead a new necklace? That, or the truly geek will set it up on a servomotor, with screen capture for the codes... oh, wait, maybe that's *too* geek.

  4. Length of time to earn a reward is a *big* question -- an even bigger question is regularity... rewards on a regular schedule quickly stop feeling like rewards. And, as has been noted above, cheatability is a huge question too -- even players who choose not to cheat may feel the whole thing is degraded if some of their friends are cheating. One thing I know is that this is not simple!

  5. It took a while but I did earn a Nintendo Wii from s2h.com. A simple but highly motivational concept, people like free electronics it motivated me to work out. If you enter "fitUSA" at checkout you can save 20% off your entire order. Cheers, Erik
